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Roast Pork, Porchetta Style

Roast Pork, Porchetta Style

recipe for Italian Roast Pork, Porchetta StyleJoeann Gutowski of the Fort Collins office shares a recipe for roast pork, porchetta style. In Italy, porchetta (por-KET-ta) is prepared as a whole pig stuffed with garlic and herbs and roasted over a wood fire. This recipe for a seasoned roast is easy enough to prepare after a day at the office and elegant enough for a special occasion.




  • 1 ½ lb of boneless lean pork loin roast


  • 1 tbsp fennel seeds, crushed


  • pinch of chopped rosemary


  • ½ tsp salt


  • ¼ tsp of fresh ground pepper


  • 2 – 3 gloves of garlic, minced


  • olive oil


  • 1/2 cup dry white wine





  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


  • Lightly coat bottom of a shallow roasting pan with olive oil (can use cooking spray).


  • Combine the fennel, rosemary, salt, pepper, and garlic in a small dish.


  • Make three 1 inch slits along the length of the roast and stuff with the fennel mixture, saving a small portion of the mixture to rub over the top.


  • Place roast, slit side down, in pan and cook for approximately 50 minutes or until meat thermometer registers 155-160 degrees.


  • Transfer roast to a serving platter.


  • Add wine to roasting pan and stir to loosen browned bits. Bring mixture to a boil, add juices from the serving platter then simmer to reduce the mixture to half.


  • Slice the roast into thick wedges with each piece displaying the stuffed seasonings. Drizzle with wine mixture.



    Serving Suggestions


    • Serve with fresh salad greens and oven roasted vegetables.


    • Leftovers are good served cold.