ExperiencePlus! Blog

Carol Busch

  • Hugo cocktails with lime

    The Hugo

    I recently returned from travels to Italy where I pedaled the Dolomites with ExperiencePlus!. I had dreamed of pedaling these limestone mountains for more than two decades. Little did I know how much I would learn about the history of… Read full article

  • Armed with sun sleeves

    I’m always a bit nervous at the beginning of each cycling season when it’s warm enough to don a short sleeve jersey and shorts. Aside from my alabaster skin blinding anyone within a quarter-mile radius, those first days of full… Read full article

  • Finding the Plus! on her First-ever Bike Tour

    Those of us who love bicycle touring know that our reasons for doing so are as varied as the places we choose to explore. But making a decision on where to take your first tour can be overwhelming. For Allison… Read full article

  • Meet Sara Verlicchi – Italy Tour Manager

    In 2022, ExperiencePlus! celebrates 50 years of guiding award-winning bicycle tours throughout Europe and beyond. Our European staff are the backbone of our operation. Whether tour director, fleet manager, mechanic, or tour manager, these folks work tirelessly behind the scenes… Read full article

  • An insider’s look at the new Gravel Explorer Tour style

    When ExperiencePlus! started developing new tour styles in 2018, little did we know the pandemic would prevent us from launching our inaugural Gravel Explorer tours until 2022. Now that the season is getting underway and we’ve sold out our May… Read full article

  • Fifteen and Counting. . .

    In 2022, ExperiencePlus! celebrates 50 years of guiding award-winning bicycle tours throughout Europe and beyond. Customer referrals and repeat travelers have helped us build a company that is recognized for its kind and professional tour leaders, carefully curated itineraries, and… Read full article

  • EPTurns50 Sweepstakes Winner

    We were inspired by the hundreds of entries we had for our 50th anniversary sweepstakes. Thanks to everyone who submitted their favorite ride! Our randomly selected winning entry comes from Ken Y., an avid bike packer from Richmond, Virginia. Ken’s… Read full article

  • Colorado farm road for gravel riding

    Gravel Explorer Primer Part 3: Getting Started – The Ride

    In the Explorer Primer Part 1 we reviewed the type of roads you can expect to find on an ExperiencePlus! Gravel Explorer tour as well as the bicycles we provide. Primer Part 2 discussed how to outfit yourself with a… Read full article

  • Celebrating the Camino de Santiago

    Note: Our 50th year celebration includes a special tribute to three Classic ExperiencePlus! tours: Bike Across Italy, Best of Provence, and Cycling the Camino de Santiago. We selected these tours for what they represent, where they are located, and why they… Read full article

  • Seaside Cycling for Spring Renewal

    Spring is the time for renewal and what makes you feel refreshed more than taking a dip in the sea after (or during!) a long day’s ride on the Mediterranean (or the Adriatic, or Ionian!)? Start your spring – and… Read full article

  • Celebrating the Best of Provence

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  • EPTurns50 Trip Giveaway

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  • Celebrating 3 Classic ExperiencePlus! Tours

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  • Bike Across Italy Turns 50

    Note: Our 50th year celebration includes a special tribute to three Classic ExperiencePlus! tours: Bike Across Italy, Best of Provence, and Cycling the Camino de Santiago. We selected these tours for what they represent, where they are located, and why… Read full article

  • Roasted chestnuts

    Recipe: Roasted Chestnuts

    More than two decades ago I ate roasted chestnuts on the streets of Brussels. It was a week before Christmas. The dark night was frigid and the chestnuts I bought from the street vendor had a magical air about them.… Read full article

  • ExperiencePlus! Turns 50 in 2022

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  • View of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert

    Top 50 rides from EP tours

    No one knows ExperiencePlus! tour rides better than our tour leaders and staff who design and ride them all the time. So as part of our 50-year celebration in 2022, we asked our tour leaders and staff to list their favorite… Read full article

  • Zupa Grzybowa – Dried Polish Mushroom Soup

    To complement our recent highlight of Cycling Krakow to Slovakia Plus! Budapest, we went in search of a traditional Polish recipe. After consulting Kathie Dudzinski – she and Paul, who was born in Poland, live in Fort Collins and are… Read full article