ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Swiss Chard and Corsican Brocciu cheese tart

    Goat and sheep cheeses are a specialty of the Corsican people; historically, they spent their days on the interior of the island far from the danger of the sea and pirates who came around. While seafood graces the plates of… Read full article

  • La Rotonda di San Lorenzo

    The Secrets of Mantua by Enrico Dal Monte

    There are many splendid and evocative places in Italy as authors from all over the world have described throughout the centuries.  There is one pearl in the middle of northern Italy’s Padana Valley that preserves a “magic sparkle” and has… Read full article

  • Tomintoul, Scotland visited on the ExperiencePlus! ride across the highlands.

    Following the Sun: A Bicycle Pilgrimage from Andalusia to the Hebrides

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Phillip Singer Following the Sun is a story of a cycling journey by author John Hanson Mitchell, a self-professed sun worshipper, beginning in southern Spain riding through Andalusia and western France to England and on to… Read full article

  • ExperiencePlus! on Facebook

    2013’s Greatest Hits on the ExperiencePlus! Facebook Page

    With the beginning of the New Year we thought we’d highlight some of 2013’s most popular features on the joys of travel and bicycling from the ExperiencePlus! facebook page. We featured real time updates from tours: Blogger Brice Peressini reported… Read full article

  • Jim and Sari on their ExperiencePlus! tandem in Spain

    Confessions of a Tandem Cyclist

    Jim and Sari Rosokoff live in Glastonbury, CT, a suburb of Hartford.  Three years ago, Jim retired after 32 years as a solo dermatologist, after being inspired by other retired ExperiencePlus! cyclists.  Sari retired 6 months later after closing the… Read full article

  • Tika’s Secret about Argentina

    The Place: Argentina Wild. Beautiful. Astonishing. Argentina’s diverse landscapes are nothing less than what you would expect from the second largest country in South America. It’s rich history, diverse cultural heritage and stunning mountains make this country unforgettable to anyone… Read full article

  • A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar by Suzanne Joinson

    Certain places call out to me for the mystery and the allure that they exude.  Tasmania and the Afghanistan of fifty years ago fit that category, mainly because I did projects about them in Mrs. Gagliardi’s seventh grade geography class… Read full article

  • Sicilian Blood Orange Salad

    ‘Bright,’ ‘fresh,’ and ‘fragrant’ are not typically the first words used to describe many items on the wintertime meal table. Today, we offer just that: a citrusy salad inspired by an island in the Mediterranean known for its infused flavors… Read full article

  • Cristina Taioli’s 2014 Travels in the United States

    Every winter, Cristina Taioli, longtime bicycle tour leader for ExperiencePlus! bicycle tours, spends a month traveling in the United States meeting up with past travelers and hosting happy hours and gatherings to chat about her trips and bicycling touring in… Read full article

  • Hungarian Goulash

    Enjoy these comforting flavors this winter as you sidle up next to the fire and tell stories, cherish the company of family and friends, and perhaps dream of riding your bike on our newly revised bicycle tour through Central Europe next… Read full article

  • Neuschwanstein Castle

    The Ludwig Conspiracy By Oliver Pötzsch

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Jeff Berger. Oliver Pötzsch has taken time off from his Hangman’s Daughter series in order to address the real life mystery, albeit in fictional terms, of the death of “mad” King Ludwig II of Bavaria, the… Read full article

  • Gary cycling in Provence

    ExperiencePlus! Traveler Gary Faris

    This month we check in with ExperiencePlus! traveler Gary Faris.  Gary has lived in Ft Collins, Colorado since 1974 and retired in April 2012.  One of his projects caught our attention: with his daughters he set up an endowment to… Read full article

  • Empanada!

    Let’s face it: a couple of new seasons are upon us. Root vegetables are here & our South American cycling season has arrived! How about in celebration, we share an empanada recipe that is sure to please? If it’s a… Read full article

  • Silvija Vukusic and the ExperiencePlus! support van in Croatia. Photo by ExperiencePlus! traveler Guy Cunningham

    Meet Your Tour Leaders: Silvija Vukusic

    Silvija was born in Split, Croatia and has been leading tours for ExperiencePlus! since 2008 mostly in her home country but in the past few years she’s also used her German skills to assist in Germany, and in 2013 she… Read full article

  • Haute Cuisine: Movie Review

    A new movie is on the playbill. As the film transports you to Paris and into the kitchen of personal cook to President of the Republic of France, we warn you: you may find yourself either looking to hop on… Read full article

  • Cycling Andalucia: News from the Field

    We’re always tickled when writers and photographers come on tour, and this time, Brice Peressini is reporting from Andalucia, Spain. He’s put together a post for each day of the tour, and we welcome you to follow along. Cycling Andalucia… Read full article

  • Seven Ages of Paris by Alistair Horne

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Pam Brills. If you have visited Paris, or plan to in conjunction with a bike ride through France, this is a must read.   Alistair Horne is a prolific British writer who has authored a number of… Read full article

  • Rostinniana photo by Raul Bernardo

    Rosticciana with Fruit Sauce

    Rosticciana has become a favorite for our travelers on the Bike Across Italy: Venice to Pisa trips. In fact the serving plate always ends up empty which is rare given the quantity of food the Italian’s traditionally tempt us with.… Read full article