ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Meet Your Tour Leaders: Cristina Taioli Tours the US

    I think I have one of the nicest jobs…biking in Italy and Europe! For the past two winters I’ve been fortunate to spend a month in the States visiting with our travelers, hosting happy hours, presenting slideshows and talking to… Read full article

  • Regensberg. Photo by ExperiencePlus! traveler John Clevenger

    The Beggar King by Oliver Pötzsch

    ExperiencePlus! traveler Jeff Berger reviews the third novel in the Hangman’s Daughter series. The newly released third novel in the series, The Beggar King, finds the Hangman Jacob Kuisl, in Regensburg, coincidentally the starting place for the Experience Plus! Bicycling… Read full article

  • Lisa Merichi

    Meet Your Tour Leaders: Lisa Merighi

    Though 2013 will mark only her third season with ExperiencePlus! Lisa Merighi has quickly become one of our traveler’s favorite tour leaders. We thought it high time we all had the opportunity to get to know her a little better.… Read full article

  • Chard Quiche

    Chard Quiche – From the Field to Your Plate

    Many of you may remember Josette Smyrl who coordinated our hotels and meals in France for years. Josette has retired and lives in Provence with her husband and gardener extraordinaire Sam. Her culinary expertise is well-known in Fort Collins, Colorado… Read full article

  • If Wishes Were Horses

    Cycling on the island of Corsica has been on my wish list for nearly a decade so when I learned that I would be traveling there in September to join the ExperiencePlus! Cycling Corsica – the Island of Beauty trip… Read full article

  • Catalonia’s Costa Brava an Interview with Joan Escosura

    We interviewed our Spanish tour manager and tour leader Joan Escosura about Bicycling Catalonia’s Costa Brava Plus! Barcelona. Joan is very excited to introduce our travelers to his home region in northern Spain. What excites you the most about the… Read full article

  • Fisherman's Risotto

    Fisherman’s Risotto

    “My wife’s a better cook than yours” was the common refrain on fishing boats plying the Adriatic Sea. These rugged men would leave home for three or four days at a time, each carrying a lunch toolbox of sorts. What… Read full article

  • Exploring Ireland By Bike

    “Have you journaled today?” My mom’s frequent inquiry still rings in my mind, an  question ingrained in my head that is now a part of every trip I take, no matter how short or long, exotic or ordinary. Growing up… Read full article

  • Is Your Bucket List Departing Without You?

    ExperiencePlus! is very happy to report that the number of bicycle touring fans continues to grow. We have already sold out 11 departures and 16 more have just a few spaces left. It’s time to stop making list of where… Read full article

  • Three Secrets to Stunning Travel Photos

    By John Giebler, ExperiencePlus! Director of Tours Are you proud of your travel photos? I mean, when you come back from a trip, do people beg to see them? Or do you have to beg people to look at them?… Read full article

  • ExperiencePlus! Is Giving Back

    2013 Send A Teacher Traveling Application Deadline Fast Approaching: The ExperiencePlus! Send a Teacher Traveling Award (S.A.T.T.) recognizes outstanding K – 12 public school teachers throughout the United States by encouraging teachers to participate in educational, active travel opportunities, like… Read full article

  • Best Guides Nomination

    Wanderlust Magazine wants to recognize and honor the consummate guides of the travel world.  We’ve heard from you that you think that our tour leaders are the best in the business so wouldn’t it be fitting to see your favorite guide chosen… Read full article

  • Cazuela de Vaca-Chilean Beef Stew

    It’s wintertime, so a warm soup sounds nice in the northern parts of this country, but for those of you who are living farther south, we hope that this Chilean specialty will pique your taste buds too. Named for the… Read full article

  • Apple Spice Cake: Modern Pain d’Epices

    History of Pain d’Epices (Spiced Bread) According to the World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting by Eva Crane, spiced bread originates from honey cakes from Ancient Egypt.  The middle ages marked a widespread consumption of these bread-like cakes with… Read full article

  • The Hangman’s Daughter and The Dark Monk

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Jeff Berger The Hangman’s Daughter and the sequel The Dark Monk, originally published in German to wide acclaim, were written by Oliver Pötzsch, the descendent of a long line of hangmen, including Jakob Kuisl, the protagonist… Read full article

  • Corsica and the 2013 Tour de France

    In July 2013 the Tour de France, and the rest of the world, will discover what ExperiencePlus! has known for years: that Corsica, the “Island of Beauty” as first described by the Greeks over 2500 years ago, is an amazing… Read full article

  • The 2013 ExperiencePlus! Gift List

    Holiday shoppers don’t despair over ideas – it is time once again for the ExperiencePlus! Staff Gift List! From our Headquarters in Forlí, Italy: Monica Price – Co-Owner:  Chariot Cougar The Chariot Cougar, about $400-$600 depending on model and year,… Read full article

  • Bicycling Bavaria’s Back Roads

    Join ExperiencePlus! this summer to Bicycle Bavaria’s Back Roads and discover a wonderful mixture of history, and the fairy tale landscapes of the brothers Grimm.  Today some of the best-preserved towns and villages from the 15th through the 18th century… Read full article