ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Patagonia day 6: Morning Trip to Puerto Montt and Canyoning

    Yesterday we had a break from biking – and from packing our bags and moving to a different town and hotel again. Javier and Tristan offered to take the group to the nearby city of Puerto Montt for the morning… Read full article

  • Patagonia day 5: Puerto Octay to Puerto Varas

    I woke up in the middle of the night to a banging sound. I had left the shutters open in the bathroom to get a little air flow through the cozy bedroom on Lake Llanquihue. A rain storm had rolled… Read full article

  • Birth of an ExpeditionPlus! Bicycle Trip Across Europe

    For a geographer maps are like crystal balls: look deeply into a map and you can see the past.  Gaze at it long enough and you can see the future.  That, in a nutshell is how ExpeditionPlus! began in 2004. … Read full article

  • Interview with Chef Erick Vedel

    A local Provençal chef tells us about his passion for food and how it has pervaded other areas of his life. Each year he opens his home to us on our 8-day Bicycling through the Best of Provence and 11-day… Read full article

  • Camargue Red Rice with Ginger and Chickpeas

    This recipe comes to us from Chef Erick Vedel and was served on the ExperiencePlus! Bicycling through the Best of Provence tour October 2010. Clinical studies have proven that red rice helps lower cholesterol and is also famous for its… Read full article

  • Photo byExperiencePlus! Traveler John Clevenger

    Per la Cena or What’s for Dinner?

    An interview with Bea Tassinari who coordinates meals on ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours in Italy. Bea can you tell us a little about the process of deciding what’s for dinner on a tour? The first step is to ask each restaurant… Read full article

  • Patagonia day 4: Termas de Puyehue to Lago Llanquihue

    Today we arrived in Puerto Octay on Lago Llanquihue in the Chilean Lake District. A little tired from yesterday’s ride, we got a late start from Termas de Puyehue. My yummy buffet-style breakfast of a roll, cheese, fruit, yogurt and… Read full article

  • Patagonia day 3: Crossing the Border: Cardenal Samore Pass

    Day 3: Crossing to Chile was the longest and the hardest day of riding. It was also the day with the most bureaucracy because we left Argentina and entered Chile. Thank goodness we had beautiful weather! After leaving the hotel,… Read full article

  • Patagonia Day 2: Scenic Ride from Bariloche to Villa la Angostura

    Last night was officially the first day of the tour. After meeting M.E. and the tour leaders Javier and Tristan at the bike shop, Dirty Bikes for the bike fitting, I took a shower and headed off to the welcome… Read full article

  • Patagonia with ExperiencePlus!

    I want to introduce myself – my name is Lindsay Brust. I am an ameteur (albeit enthusiastic) runner and biker living in Boulder, CO. I had the pleasure of getting to know Maria Elena Price, one of the co-owners of ExperiencePlus!,… Read full article

  • Bicycling the Mediterranean: Corsica and Sardinia

    The Mediterranean is one of the world’s most attractive vacation destinations, and its islands are renowned to be amongst the finest bicycling locations on the planet. In fact two of our favorite places to bicycle are also two of the… Read full article

  • Tips for Using Your Credit Card Internationally

    With the increase in fraud and identity theft using your credit card overseas is getting trickier and more expensive as credit card companies add transaction fees that typically run 3% on any foreign transaction. The Wall Street Journal recently had… Read full article

  • Soufflé of Parmesan Cheese

    Sformato di Parmigiano or Soufflé of Parmesan Cheese We often receive requests from customers who have eaten something fabulous on tour and are hopeful that we can find or have a recipe for them. A recent example is a Parmesan… Read full article

  • Make Your Town a Better Bike Town

    Mia Birk’s book Joyride:  Pedaling toward a Healthier Planet, is a “how-to manual” for creating a first class bicycle community.  Anyone in government or anyone interested in bicycle advocacy would benefit from reading Birk as a way to put their… Read full article

  • Why I Bike: Episode 10

    Jerry and Dick Smallwood (ExperiencePlus! Customers and Tandem Riders Extraordinare) Riding a bicycle through a countryside that is completely new to you is a strange and wonderful experience.  Everything is fresh – the sights, the sounds, the smells – every… Read full article

  • Bicycling Chile’s Wine Country (Plus! the Pacific Coast)

    Recently mentioned in National Geographic, the Maule and Colchagua wine valleys of central Chile are a must-see for both adventurers and foodies—and what better way to make the trek than by road bike? ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours is ready to take… Read full article

  • Bicycling the Best of Southern Tuscany Plus …

    Wanting to share some of the best of Italy, the ExperiencePlus! Italian tour leaders and I desired to develop a cycling tour that would combine the most exciting areas of Tuscany and Umbria (the green heart of Italy). This came… Read full article

  • Bicycling Alsace – The Inaugural Journey

    After the Cycling the Vineyards of Alsace trip debut in July 2010, cyclists proclaimed that the tour had earned itself an instant place on their “best trips ever” lists because of the region’s many treasures, brilliant colors and pastoral splendor.… Read full article