ExperiencePlus! Blog

Nadine Dirksen

  • How to Reserve Extra Hotel Nights

    Many of our travelers plan a bit of a cushion around their ExperiencePlus! cycling adventure to have time to get over jetlag, discover new places or enjoy a bit of ‘dolce vita’ before or after their tour. If this is… Read full article

  • celebrating the end of a great ride

    Pre-Trip Planning Checklist

    After you browse our tours, narrow your choices, and finally book your next, or first, bicycle vacation, the work of planning your travel begins. What are the best next  steps we recommend that you take on this journey? To answer… Read full article

  • finding flights just got easier

    Finding Flights Just Got Easier

    Save Time and Money When Booking Your Flights Flight Arrangements Made Easy With Exito Travel Booking a flight can be somewhat of a grueling, not to mention time consuming, process. Our friends at Exito Travel, a flight consolidator operating globally,… Read full article

  • Nadine’s Blitz Salad

    As my husband and I spent a few months in Germany last year, we were living right above an organic supermarket. It was literally our downstairs pantry and we enjoyed easy access to a wide variety of European delicacies and… Read full article

  • Oberammergau Passion Play in 2022

    An Alpine Village’s Tribute after Overcoming Historic Hardship Legends and Oaths The year is 1633 and we are in the Bavarian village of Oberammergau (say: ober-ammer-gow), some 62 miles (100 km) south of Munich nestled below the dramatic alpine panorama… Read full article

  • Photo Courtesy of Rolf Damz

    Travel insurance basics

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  • About Joe Friel

    About Joe Friel and his 12-week customized bicycle training programs We’ve contracted with Joe Friel, a nationally recognized fitness expert, and founder of ULTRAFIT Associates, to develop a personalized bicycle training program for our customers. Bicycling magazine says, “Joe Friel… Read full article

  • The Health Benefits of Cycling – by Joe Friel

    It can be difficult to keep up an exercise program, especially if you don’t see results right away in the mirror or on the scales. After all, the No. 1 reason most people workout is to look and feel leaner.… Read full article

  • NEW: Tour-Specific Arrival and Departure Information!

    Nadine’s tips for her favorite new feature on our website. Our long-term customers might be familiar with our ‘famous’ GTA, or Getting to and Away information. This document was meticulously designed for each tour containing detailed arrival and departure information,… Read full article

  • Bike and Barge Details: Zwaantje

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  • Lost luggage! Flight delay! Now what?

    Lost luggage! Flight delay! Now what? Travel tips for transportation trials. Travel will make you embrace the unexpected, even when the unexpected is sometimes what we try our best to avoid with careful planning. Lost luggage, flight delays and cancelled… Read full article

  • What happens after you book your cycling trip with ExperiencePlus!

    You Booked Your Bicycle Tour! Now what? Pure magic and exhilarating joy! And aside from that, also some planning that we gladly help you with. Step 1 – We need some more information! What’s with this Customer Information Form (CIF)?… Read full article

  • Travel Planning Pains and Remedies

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  • Recipe: White Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce and Potatoes

    Hands-down, my absolute favorite season is spring! Back in my home of Bavaria, nothing says spring like crisp morning sunshine, song birds celebrating the long-awaited explosion of blossoms and blooms with excited song and dance, people – lightened of their… Read full article

  • Nadine’s Top 5 Reasons to Cycle Patagonia

    Nadine’s 5 Reasons to Cycle Patagonia In 2017 I had joined our Patagonia’s Lakes District Plus! The Island of Chiloé and my love for this cycling tour still holds as strong as it did after my return. Here’s a revisit… Read full article

  • Culinary Considerations

    Culinary Considerations Adventures In Breaking Bread And Routine One of the many things I love about traveling is the way it allows me to insert myself into a new culture completely different from my life and daily routines at home.… Read full article

  • To Pack It or Not to Pack It: What to Bring on a Bicycle Tour

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  • Recipe: German Pretzel

    Search For The Perfect Pretzel Bavaria Is Hard To Beat I love travel for the endless opportunity to experience new cultures and cuisines. As a German native, one of the few culinary delights that I’ve longed for since moving to Colorado… Read full article