ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Panna Cotta


    Panna Cotta

    Panna Cotta Travelers on the recent Bicycling Sardinia – Alghero to Cagliari trip devoured a wonderful Panna Cotta which inspired Italian tour leader Lisa Merighi to share her grandmother’s recipe with us. It’s a simple recipe with just a few… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Scrumptious Strawberry Scones

    Spring is finally here in Colorado and we’re proud to report so are juicy red strawberries! To celebrate, inspired by Chobani Greek Yogurt, I decided to try some scones out. This version is lower in fat because it uses half… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Tuscan Rosemary Bread

    I grew up baking bread in a bread maker. The only thing I knew about kneading was that it was the loudest stage in the machine’s process. Favorite memories from this household activity include catching the first glimpse after opening… Read full article

  • Chard Quiche


    Chard Quiche – From the Field to Your Plate

    Many of you may remember Josette Smyrl who coordinated our hotels and meals in France for years. Josette has retired and lives in Provence with her husband and gardener extraordinaire Sam. Her culinary expertise is well-known in Fort Collins, Colorado… Read full article

  • Fisherman's Risotto


    Fisherman’s Risotto

    “My wife’s a better cook than yours” was the common refrain on fishing boats plying the Adriatic Sea. These rugged men would leave home for three or four days at a time, each carrying a lunch toolbox of sorts. What… Read full article

  • Recipes


    Some would argue that Sachertorte is THE dessert one thinks of when you think of Vienna and we agree it is hard to go wrong when you combine butter, chocolate, jam and whipped cream. The Sachertorte has a long and… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Cazuela de Vaca-Chilean Beef Stew

    It’s wintertime, so a warm soup sounds nice in the northern parts of this country, but for those of you who are living farther south, we hope that this Chilean specialty will pique your taste buds too. Named for the… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Apple Spice Cake: Modern Pain d’Epices

    History of Pain d’Epices (Spiced Bread) According to the World History of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting by Eva Crane, spiced bread originates from honey cakes from Ancient Egypt.  The middle ages marked a widespread consumption of these bread-like cakes with… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Tortillas from Catalonia

    Spanish omelets or tortillas are one of the most common dishes in Spain and though most are made with potatoes the French influenced Catalan version uses chick peas instead. You can enjoy a tortilla for a snack, lunch or light… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Scottish Cranachan

    Cranachan is a traditional Scottish dessert and we are fortunate that our Scottish coordinators are willing to share their favorite recipe with us. Nowadays, Cranachan is typically made from a mixture of whipped cream, honey (we prefer heather honey), and… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Zucchini Salad with Mint and Provençal Rosemary Almonds

    With summer often comes an abundance of zucchini from the garden – and the ongoing challenge to find new ways to prepare them. Co-workers begin to avoid you and your zucchini cakes, muffins and breads. We understand the never-ending challenge… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Greek Kale Salad

    Kale packs a punch, many believe it to be a perfect food, packed with antioxidants, vitamin C and K, high in lutein and beta carotene. But, many folks just don’t know what to do with the stuff so since kale… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Provençal Melon with Beaumes de Venise Muscat

    The ExperiencePlus! Bicycling through the Best of Provence Plus! the Luberon and Aix-en-Provence tour now goes through Beaumes de Venise. A lot of France’s melons grow nearby around Cavaillon, and Beaumes de Venise is known for its sweet Muscat dessert… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Spring Salad

    This recipe comes to us from our friends at Cooking Vacations Italy and takes advantage of the spring harvest including fava beans, lemon balm, mint, chives, radishes, spinach, lettuce and peas. If you aren’t familiar with fava beans, sometimes known… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Crème Brûlée

    When you travel to France, chances are you’ve got some culinary must-tastes on your list. While crepes and the delicately-crafted pastries in the corner patisseries are delightful, one dessert you must try is crème brûlée. The translation of this dessert… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Neeps and Tatties

    A delicious twist on a traditional Scottish recipe which should technically be accompanied by Cock a Leekie soup, Cranachan,  and haggis all washed down with whisky, but we’ll leave it to you to decide how authentic you’d like to be.… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Dordogne Hazelnut Cake

    I, like most of you, find myself excited by local specialties while I’m traveling and I often come home with flavored oils, spices or syrups that then sit in my pantry or fridge for eternity. During our recent snow storms… Read full article

  • Recipes

    Vlaamse Stoverij or Belgian Beef Stew

    Tour leaders Michele Boglioni and Enrico Dal Monte were recently doing some reconnaissance for our Bicycling Belgium’s Best Brewery tours and stopped in for some authentic Belgian Beef Stew. They report that it is especially delicious when washed down with… Read full article