Tips & Reviews
Make Cold Water on a Hot Day
Baby It’s Hot Outside! “Make” cold water on your next bicycle ride According to a recent study in The Journal of the International Society of Sports drinking cold water can help you keep your core temperature lower and significantly increase… Read full article
Tips & Reviews / Travel Planning
Six Useful Websites for Travel Planning
Though the following websites will not greet you with a smile or deliver luggage to your room, they are useful tools when mapping out travel options for getting to and from your cycling tour. Booking a flight Along with the… Read full article
My Two Italies by Joseph Luzzi
Stories of immigrants fascinate me, especially the life stories of Italians who have come to “l’America”, both North and South, since the 1700s. In each of these stories I see elements of my own story, that of leaving my birthplace… Read full article
The Perfect Gift(s)
Bicycle gear for warm weather or cold weather and more. Suggestions from our staff and tour leaders for the cyclists and non-cyclists in your life. The Price Family Monica Malpezzi Price – Co-owner and Michele Boglioni – Route Manager Gift… Read full article
My Italian Secret: The Forgotten Heroes
“My Italian Secret: the Forgotten Heroes,” written, produced and directed by Oren Jacoby, 2014. Now available on It seems that we will never know the full story of the Holocaust. Every new book, movie, or eyewitness account sheds new… Read full article
Tips & Reviews / Travel Planning
Tours That Challenge and Thrill
Some tours are meant to challenge and thrill. They take you off the beaten path and give you the satisfaction that comes with cycling over mountains or riding long distances. Destinations that take you to beautiful remote villages tucked away… Read full article
Product Review – Jewel by Club Ride
Jewel by Club Ride. As anyone who knows me will tell you I’ve been on the search for the perfect undergarment for cycling for years. I’ve tried a multitude of underwear options – boy’s cut, thongs, seamless, going without any, and… Read full article
Tips & Reviews / Travel Planning
Country Specific Trip Planners, Hotel & Reading Lists
Our PDF Trip Planners include the following sections for each country for general questions about electronics, booking extra nights etc you can browse our travel planning posts on our blog: Country Specific Travel Tips – Find specific details and tips about… Read full article
Movie Review: Walking the Camino – Six Ways To Santiago
Geography, history, spirituality, people, adventure. These are just a few of the puzzle pieces that come together to form the “camino experience” for anyone traveling the Camino de Santiago en route to Santiago de Compostela. These also happen to be perfect subjects for a compelling story… Read full article
The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Dive into this deliciously dark tale about passion, love, loss and life and follow David Martín, the main character, through Barcelona’s murky alleys and wide avenues. David is a gifted writer who is emerging from a poor and desolate family… Read full article
Dante’s Divine Comedy
By ExperiencePlus! Traveler Bill Giovinazzo A biography is something written in retrospect, it is always about the past. It has to be because you never know at the time what is significant. Sometimes the most innocent things, like a trip… Read full article
Wild Tales – Written and Directed by Damián Szifrón
Argentine director and writer Damián Szifrón holds bragging rights for Argentina’s most popular film of 2014. His film “Wild Tales” was also nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign film, as well as, the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film… Read full article
Suggested Reading & Movie Lists
It’s always handy to have a little knowledge about where you’re going and what you’ll be doing while you travel. Beyond all the great information on the ExperiencePlus! website, we recommend you grab a few travel guides for the countries… Read full article
Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine
Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free, By Héctor Tobar On August 5th 2010 the San José mine located just outside of Copiapó, Chile collapsed and… Read full article
Tips & Reviews / Travel Planning
Customer Information Form
It’s just as important that you have all our information as it is we have yours, and although it’s yet another piece of paperwork to fill out, it really is important to us that we have accurate data about everyone… Read full article
Bikes Bikes Bikes
Everyone always asks about the bikes on our bicycle tours, and it’s pretty simple to understand why, you’ll be riding them all over the most beautiful countries in the world. So we felt it would help to answer some of… Read full article
Fitness and Training / Tips & Reviews
How Hard Should I Train For This?
To start this section off we want to remind you first and foremost that although these trips can accommodate travelers with just about any level of fitness, you will be riding a bike most of every day while you’re with… Read full article
The Emperor and The Saint….
The Emperor and The Saint Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Francis of Assisi, and Journeys to Medieval Placesm by Richard F. Cassady As the Foreword states, this book is the biography of a “giant” who traveled, ruled and fought across most… Read full article